i want to hear a poem
an i need poem
an i bleed poem
an i breathe poem
a what makes you breathe poem
a what makes you forget to breathe poem
a song from your bones
i want to hear a poem
a poem about infestations in your imaginations
about the taste theirs lips provide
about the taste their lips provided*
i want to hear a poem
about the moment you discovered something you'll die for
about your resilience
about your great fear of shallow living
about how you make space for dreams
about how you weren't brave enough to say goodbye
how you'll never be
about the french phrase "tu me manques"
about things that have such an emotional charge for you, that you avoid thinking about them.
about how you wish eyes saw souls instead of bodies.
about who made you smile again.
about a craving so deep the ocean would be jealous.
about being mad and passionate,
but extraordinary.
about who makes you laugh that embarrassing, earnest, healing kind of laugh.
i want to hear a poem
about how your growing older, and your heroes are becoming more and more human right in front of you
about how now you understand why peter pan never wanted to grow up
about Neverland
i want to hear a poem about who you choose over and over and over
and over
who you keep choosing
i want to hear a poem
a poem about being homesick for heaven.
about the holes to heaven.
about how we're all just walking each other home.
i want to hear a poem
about how you're a work in progress,
and you think you like who you're becoming.
my poem is one without a rhyme
maybe even one without a rhythm
but one with a beat
a heart beat.