Sunday, September 28, 2014

homesick for heaven.

So lovely

I miss the fireflies in Missouri! Wish we had them in LA.
homesick for heaven
fireflies caught in a mason jar
honeysuckle lining featherbed lane
crisp, crimson raspberries mistaken as candy
the stubborn Shetland pony in the pasture
barefoot walks to the creek aimlessly avoiding poison ivy
climbing competitions on the hay bales to be crowned king
quarter horses roaming the lush land my grandpa named heaven
the sunlight creeping into the cracks of that 100 year old barn
rides through the never ending golden fields
dewy Sunday mornings full of grace and full of Jesus
the smell of a new western saddle in the tack room
watching the sunset disappear from that rickety porch


facts and descriptions
tangible objects
Jean Piaget
common, proper
countable, collective
to be seen or known
vital to making sense of dialectics
sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch
the combination of many abstractions’
things that can be sensed
the red bricks that built your grade school
or the white-washed ones that rebuilt the church that burned down
concrete objects...concreta...
you can't collect a pound of responsibility
or a liter of moral outrage
I personally prefer (alliteration) concrete.  abstract concepts like love change meaning with time and circumstances. there's no security.  concrete objects pretty much have the same meaning to you now as they did when you were four: stars. water. music. bricks. they stay pretty much the same. and I think we all like a little sense of security. an exactness.  or at least I do.  concreta.


Monday, September 22, 2014

favorite hello, hardest goodbye.

love is having someone that slowly but surely makes you become more and more of you the "you" you've always dreamed of being.

It is seeing all of their magic and reminding them of it when they have forgotten.

It may not be your first kiss, first love, first dance, or first date-but your last everything.

It's who made you smile again.

It's your best friend. The one that makes you laugh that embarassing, earnest, healing kind of laugh.

Its a million tiny things they subconsciously do.

Its a craving so deep the ocean would be jealous.

Its mad, passionate, extraordinary

Its smiling for no reason.

Its falling before you realize you are.

Its like Dr. Seuss said, its when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dream.

Delightfully chaotic.

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.
Its overthinking.

Its he loves me not.

Its being misunderstood.

Its desperate and drowning.

Its the danger of getting so close.

Its high expectations.

the downside of love. but please, stand by my side. love is delightfully chaotic. because you know dang well, we'd go crazy without each other.

Monday, September 15, 2014

What makes us human?

  • Anthropologists have looked for cultural evidence to identify and describe human remains and help determine "what makes us human." 
  • The ability to behave with humanity  (I certainly am not aware of someone who can fully "behave with humanity" to a full extent)

I am human,

a fragile creature

made of a broken heart

and broken promises

I am human because I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

because sometimes my anxiety takes over

I have the ability to reason

and a higher degree of self-awareness

because I possess the ability to receive love

Certainly not just rationality

I am human because I embrace every feeling that comes with that phrase

I am not merely a machine



"As the technological world advances", we repeatedly see headlines screaming:
"6 Shocking Way Robots Are Already Becoming Human"
They are becoming war heroes
They are creating art
They have the ability to be altruistic
They can be empathetic
In the pursuit of knowledge, they can outrun us
Robots are self aware

In reality, Is humanity becoming more robotic?
The simplest test for self-awareness is the ability to recognize oneself in a mirror
A robot named Nico passes this before a 14 year old girl lost in her self image

Is society progressively being programmed just like robots?
Humans are continuously  losing jobs  to them, so maybe that's the answer

“... you just can't differentiate between a robot and the very best of humans.”
― Isaac AsimovI, Robot

Monday, September 1, 2014

I am.

une préface.

I am.
I am a coin of the United States Army. I was minted in the year 1980. I have been punched from sheet metal. I have been stamped and cleaned; my ridges have been rimmed and beveled. Now I have two small holes in me, and am no longer in mint condition. So there’s something else I want to tell you. Right before everything went black, you want to know the very last thing that entered my mind? You. (a dramatic quote from Dear John just for kicks.)

But for real this time. I am Allie Hamilton.  I am a work in progress... and I think I like who I'm becoming.

Allie: Painting.
Noah: What?
Allie: You asked me, what I do for me...
Noah: What now?
Allie: I love to paint.
Noah: Really?
Allie: Mmm-hmm. Most of the time I have all these thoughts bouncin' around in my head... but with a brush in my hand, the world just gets kinda quiet. 

want to disappear into the intelligent avenues of Boston where auburn leaves and bold American flags line the streets.  I want our eyes to see souls instead of bodies. How very different our ideas of beauty would be.  I want the bad things that happen in my life to transform into the best things that will ever happen to me.  I want to be lost in the right direction.  I want to know the value of a moment before it becomes a memory.  I want to take time to do what makes my soul happy.  I want kids to discover the symbolism of the green light before the teacher tells them.  I want to live for the moments I can't put into words.  But most of all, I want to be happy-it drives people crazy.

Votre ami dévouée,