Monday, October 20, 2014

the problem?

writers block.  writers block, in my mind, comes from not our inability to dig deep, but our fear of digging so deep.  we sit behind a white glowing screen longing for a topic, an inspiration, a paragraph to appear on the screen before the clock strikes twelve.  but in reality, it is so easy.  it is so simple.  we are 17 years old with endless opinions and moments and thoughts that are bursting and begging to be shared.  the problem?  these things have such an emotional charge for us, we avoid thinking about them.  we avoid being alone or driving into the canyon without our homies, or going through the camera rolls on our old pre break-up iPhone 4's because it sucks.  it sucks coming to a realization of the things that would make our writing gold.
Post image for Free People Horoscopes by Tracy Allen, Week of September 29–October 5


  1. um. yes. please. right on the head.

  2. I was just thinking about this.
    You summed up my thoughts. thank you.
