i remember Christmas morning 2005
waiting for my parents on the top of the stairs as they ritually searched for the dinosaur video camera to film our reaction
i remember wanting to grow up
i remember my first pair of chuck Taylor's
i remember when I fell in the love with a paint set and a blank canvas
i remember the bonfires
i remember going down to the creek in our red rain boots
i remember memorizing how to spell Mississippi
i remember crossing my fingers on both hands at orientation that he would be in my second grade class
i remember always wanting to grow up
i remember my white first generation iPod shuffle
i remember my obsession for uncle Jesse on full house
i remember fresh rain and the endless streets of Boston
i remember the boardwalks and the full moons and the blue cotton candy
i remember a world where technology didn't take over
i remember wanting to grow up
i remember when i wasn't grown up
when i didn't come home to college housing options on the desktop of my moms computer
when there was huge gap in between my two from teeth
when i didn't understand what it felt like to be broken
i remember
:) uncle Jesse though. Beautiful memories ❤